воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

different juvenile probation programs

SNL sucks. The only thing funny about it is Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin, and then they brought the real Palin on, and BIG SHOCK sheapos;s not funny and the show loses all its humor because now, instead of making jokes, they pander to this absolute mess of a woman. She is as incompetant at comedy as she is at everything else she does, except for killing innocent animals and naming kids stupid things. She rocks at those.

car insurance on line, different juvenile probation programs, different karate style, different karate styles, different karate type.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

asp.net session variables case sensitive


Pizza Hut told me it is going keep me wait for 45 minutes so I think it is time for another round of personal self-indulgence.

I tempted to start this post with a phrase that appeared with increasing frequency on this blog, ldquo;it has been a whilerdquo;, but that would bore the readers, no? Occasionally, I still get asked ldquo;you havenrsquo;t blogged much latelyrdquo;, and my excuse is always ldquo;I am busyrdquo;. If you have ever used the I-am-busy as an excuse before, you know it is a lie to dust off questions. The truth is statistically I tend to write a blog after I have done some significant work.

Like today. I did laundry and�cleaned my room.

Last week, a friend woke me up in the morning just to say she wanted to thank me because in some mysterious ways, I helped her get back on her feet, found love and about to get married. Now I come to think about that, it begins a series of thoughts.

I think one of the reasons people get married is to have a someone to witness�their life.�We all have this inner, narcissistic desire to be known and acknowledged. It would be nice to have someone to look at you everyday, take your pictures, clean up after you, etchellip;.The key is however, to pick the right witness.

Finding a right witness is hard because no one knows what they want. Our contemporary society has led us to think that we have multiple choices and options. The question we often ask ourselves is not ldquo;is this person the right one for me?rdquo; but ldquo;what if there is someone better out there?rdquo;.

At this point, my brain wanders off into another question. ldquo;How do�I know if someone is right?rdquo;, and ldquo;how can I trust a person?rdquo;. To be completely safe, you probably shouldnrsquo;t trust any woman but I donrsquo;t think it is the kind of answer you are expecting. Hence, to conclude this post, here is a list of women that you should avoid

  • Women who like romantic novels. You will never be enough for her. Irsquo;ve seen men tried, and I have seen men died. You could be Bill Gates, Brad Pitts combined, she will still think she deserves someone better than you. Their notions of love, relationship and men are derived from the delusions some lonely writers cook up in his basement. You will be compared with men who do not exist. Think about that for a while and let it sinks in your head.

  • Women with long finger nails: When I see a woman with long finger nails, I immediately conclude she doesnrsquo;t work with her hand. Enough said.

  • Women who are into stuffed animals. If you want a princess who does not have royal blood, then this is it. Apart from the fact that they tend to be shallow and dumb, a problem with this kind of chicks is that they will expected to be spoiled by you. There will never be enough flowers, gifts and jewelries. Get on with one of these, and you will spend the duration of your relationship (right up to the divorce/break-up) giving her emotional comfort (she doesnrsquo;t need) and listening to her whine about every little aspects in her life.

  • Women who are fat. I am sorry if this sounds mean. Donrsquo;t believe a word about how happy they are with themselves. They are not and anyone who has T.V knows it. The bottom line is if they donrsquo;t care enough about themselves, how do you expect them to give a crap about you.

  • Women who claim to be a feminist. I donrsquo;t want to get into how this movement has made our world a worsen place but I donrsquo;t want to be with someone who wants to prove to me that she is as good as me at driving a car. It is annoying. They are basically insecure.

my thoughts stopped here. The delivery is here.


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fan fiction harry nc17 potter

Solange: "I Decided (Part I)"

Did someone say, Diana Ross? Solange channels early Baby-Love-esque Supremes for some hip-sway sunny action celebrating that rushed feeling of fresh love. Wince a little in the video and you see 70s afro-Solange double as Beyonceapos;s Foxy Cleopatra from the Austin Powers movie.

I have had this song in repeat since I got it early in the month.

Beyonce: "Single Ladies"

And not to be out-done, Beyonce brings out a wow-she-di-int mega-dance-dance-dance-a-thon to her new single, which looks like it was done in one shot. The D-ream produced song, at times makes her sound like Rihanna. I dunno if thatapos;s a good thing... Nevertheless, fun times ahead.

Just clap.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

ayurveda kama

i thank God that the past few days, i was given opportunities to praise God and seek Him even in the midst of confusion�:)
i am so thankful that i actually ran to Him for wisdom. Though things did not changed at the very moment, but, it just gradually gets better�:)�itapos;s His timing. :)
i have learned to trust in Him even more. :)
now, i want to master the art of really, focusing on Him even in the midst of confusion and battles. :) He has set me free long ago. :) itapos;s time that i set myself free by holding on to the freedom He gave me. :)
i am now, so secured in Him that, nothing really bothers me. I praise God for His strength has given me this great Faith to love Him.�:)

the past few days messages were;
.esther in the bible�(preparation)
.God with me

.siblings (twice in the past few days)


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evinrude parts catalogue

I think my therapist thinks i should be dating other guys. I had an appointment with her today and i was talking about feeling really sad and crappy and stuff. She said that maybe iapos;m finally starting to feel daveapos;s absence and itapos;s sort of like grieveing. She might be right. Iapos;ve sort of been numbing out tjhat part of my life and i think iapos;m getting stressed enough that i dont have the effort to ignore it anymore. She asked me if iapos;d been sleeping an eating enough. I said no: ive only been getting about 5-6 hours a night and i have been simply forgetting to eat. Sometimes when i do remember, i dont have time because im running for one class to another or im running to work or something. She said that maybe i should try the "halte" method to see if that helps, you ask yourself these 5 questions when you start feeling really crappy throughout the day:

H- am i hungry?
A- am i angry?
L- am i lonely?
T- am i tired?
E- have i exercised?

you pretty much go down the list until you hit a "yes" and then act on it and if they are all "no" you have already eliminated some major reasons. I said that iapos;ve been hanging out with my friends a lot so i dont think that being lonely is a real issue. She said that she knows iapos;m a person that need a lot of emotional intimacy and since dave hasnt really been available for that (heapos;s been really busy with school so i dont want to burden him with my problems), simply going out with friends is probably not going to cut it. I think sheapos;s right. Everyone has so much stuff going on in their own lives that i really donapos;t want to bother anyone with my shit.

I told her that iapos;d been going to the gym with Spoon and that heapos;s a really nice guy and stuff. I said that he is way totally just a friend though (which he way totally is), and she said "now why is that?" i said: "well, because he just is. Heapos;s in that apos;friend zoneapos; and the idea of dating him, even if i wasnapos;t with dave, wouldnt be an option because itapos;s just a weird idea. Heapos;s like...one of the girls" sort of in the same way vicky (andrew) is. They may be male, but...like...er... Yeah...not exactly. I also told her about how cool i think my TA is and she started asking me if iapos;m attracted to him, etc ,etc. It was sort of weird.

We were also talking about how i got really upset with dave after i told him that UCSD was my #1 choice for grad school and dave started (jokingly) saying things like: "oh i see you donapos;t want to be closer to me why isnt that your #1 choice? huh? oh i see how it is" etc etc. I know he was joking but i still got pissed off about it. I ended up snapping something like: "whoapos;s the one who moved to north carolina? HUH? iapos;m here i havent moved youapos;re the one that left" i tried to say it in sort of a joking way but i totally wasnt kidding. She asked me if i was worried that id move out to north carolina and heapos;d leave me again. I said "no" because his stuck in NC for 5 years for his program and my program is only 2-3 years. She asked me why the idea of being apart for another 2-3 years is acceptable to me. Well, because thats just how things are. I want to be with dave. Dave is far away and im not going to arrange my life around him. Iapos;m my own person and i donapos;t want to make all my life choice because of where he is.

so anyway, the whole thing was really weird and disorienting. Iapos;m not really sure what to think about it all...

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delta airlines in atlanta

Wow. I havenapos;t gotten to post in a while, though really that hasnapos;t been much to say....
Such much awesome will be happening in the next 4 days that I can barely stand it...
Tonight, I begin an 8 weeks yoga class with Megan which should be pretty interesting. After our yoga class, weapos;re heading to Empire or any other book store we can to try to find a copy of Paper Towns Ahhhh Paper Towns Itapos;s going to be awesome. John Green read the epilogue on a blog the other day and I have to know what happens next. Iapos;m already completely sucked in....
Tomorrow, Megan and I will be seeing George M, a musical that our schoolapos;s theatre department is putting on. Then, weapos;ll be going over to her house for a Paper Towns-tacular slumber party.
But that is not all. Here comes the best part.
October 20th....this Monday...Megan and I will journey to Columbus, OH, which is about 3 hours away from here and we will get to meet, get books signed, and take pictures with the one and only John Green.

I canapos;t wait� :)

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

complexity team cs

PW is a killer,

Re-exam? why? that means i have to study again

maybe its better that you are leaving, feeling down since but i loo forward to brighter days and its not your fault, never knew you.
EVERYONE: i really donapos;t care :D

my A02 hommies came over to my place after a meal at LJ silvers. (Chris, Ma gen-gen, nana mama, sally pom pee pee and Faiz the most responsible CT rep). We played "the game of LIFE" (which we so badly need) and we couldnapos;t finis it cause nana and faiz had to go. So we watched�"step up 2" and talked about whos hot and whos not in the film. Sally, chris and magenta were talking about guys after the movie, made me left out.. Sigh.

But they cheered me up today and now i feel good :) thanks guys

tomorrow: PW consultation

�������������������leadership workshop

������������������ Vball.�
������������������hopefully, tomorrow things will be smooth

complexity team cs, complexity theory, complexity theory biochemistry, complexity theory biology.